EPK - Jakob Welding

Short biography

Singer/Songwriter Jakob Welding released his first single, Prisoner, in 2020. The track has over 220,000 streams on Spotify. Reignland Magazin called his vocals “simply beautiful” and said about his second single, The Stroke, “the lead vocals melt your heart”.
Jakob combines his love for the 70s and 80s soft rock and pop, with contemporary indie and electronic pop creating his soundscape and visual expressions of his music.
Jakob writes from his heart with a great focus on the lyrical aspect of the song. He explains: "At the end of the day, music and art, in general, is storytelling; it's conveying the emotions within the story, and that is what I aim to do". About Jakob's third single, Analog, Phuture Sound Magazine recommended: “take the time to feel every moment on this journey”.
Jakob writes and records almost all of his songs playing both piano, guitar, bass, saxophone, synth, and mastering the drum pads and arrangement of string sections.
Not only does Jakob write his own music, but he’s also written for several other artists and movies. Besides music, Jakob is also an accomplished actor and has toured most of the world in large productions of musical theatre. In 2018 Jakob was awarded the Millennium Performing Arts’ Singer of the Year Cup.

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photo by Yellow Belly 

photo by Yellow Belly

photo by Yellow Belly


